The role of competition in fueling pride

C.S. Lewis states: Pride gets no pleasure out of having something, only out of having more of it than the next man. It is the comparison that makes you proud. Once the element of competition is gone, pride is gone" (Mere Christianity, pp. 109-10). 
Generally I think of how I can be prideful towards people of other racial status, financial status, etc. Rarely have I thought of how pride can affect my marriage for the worse. I suppose that is why Heavenly Father has established marriage as a solid union between husband and wife; we need to learn to truly see each other as equals and not let our motives be to please ourselves. 
In my opinion, the opposite of pride is selfless love. I am being prideful if I indignantly choose to put my own needs before my husband's more often than not. Of course it is important at times to take care of ourselves, and our spouse should understand this. 
Lately, however I have not put my husband's needs first many times. I have made a victim of myself and chosen to do less than I could have for him. So today, I really made an effort to get the house clean and get dinner made before he came home. Not everything was perfect, but I could tell it meant so much to him.
True joy comes from serving others, especially our spouse.I hope I can remember this lesson and let love be my motive in all things. 


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