Emotional Infidelity and how to safe guard your marriage
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Something that plagues our society is the danger of emotional infidelity. It starts as a text message here and there, and then you go out to lunch. What's the harm? But after a while,serious emotional ties and bonds can form and marriages can be ruined by the emphasis one spouse places on his/her relationship with a 'friend.'
My husband and I have discussed certain boundaries that we can put up to protect ourselves from this tricky situation. Some things we have come up with include unfollowing previous boyfriends/girlfriends on social media, never going to lunch with someone of the opposite sex, not texting members of the opposite sex unless it is for business/informational purposes. These may not be right for every couple, but they are what we have determined best for us.
The following quote from the talk "Fidelity in Marriage: It's more than you think" discusses this issue very well:
"Physical infidelity is only one of the many temptations Satan uses to break up families and marriages. Emotional infidelity, which occurs when emotions and thoughts are focused on someone other than a spouse, is an insidious threat that can weaken the trust between a couple and shatter peace of mind.
Emotional infidelity doesn’t usually happen suddenly; rather, it occurs gradually—often imperceptibly at first. This is one reason why those involved often feel innocent of any wrongdoing.
Jane didn’t wake up one morning with an intentional desire to hurt Aaron or pull away from him. She simply found herself emotionally attracted to a man who demonstrated qualities she perceived lacking in Aaron. As her relationship with that co-worker progressed, she began to feel justified in her behavior. She admitted, “I felt more important and valued around my co-worker than I did around my husband” (Kenneth W. Matheson).
I truly believe that our marriages will be blessed as we put boundaries in place to keep us safe, and also continue to do those things that keep a marriage strong, such as good conversations, quality time together, and keeping our covenants.

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