Love and Sacrifice

I have been thinking a lot about the word 'sacrifice' this week. My husband gets up early, goes to work, puts me first in the best way he can, comes home late, studies, and does it all over again, without complaining. What sacrifices do I make for him? What can I work on?
We are currently expecting a baby, and it has been a really rough pregnancy for me. However, I am finding that even when I do not feel well, there are small sacrifices I can make for my husband. I can make a lunch for him, put a frozen dinner in the oven, and clean to the best of my abilities. I can help him study, give him hugs, and encourage him when his pilot training has got him feeling discouraged. 
Overall, I think that as long as both partners are actively trying to give to one another without expecting the same sacrifices in return, a marriage can be successful. I am convinced that serving well in our families will create more Christlike characteristics in us than anything else. 


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