Opening my eyes to understanding and greater perspecitve

I understand that marriage is to be between a man and a woman. I do not disregard that belief. However, as I read the readings and watched the videos for this week, I began to see what a complex issue gay marriage is in society. After reading OBERGEFELL v. HODGES, I understood more fully that there are many homosexual individuals that do not wish to debilitate marriage. They only want the same option to have the union that same-sex couples can have; a union of trust, love, and stability. I now can see more of their side. If I were attracted to women instead of men, I believe I would want that same privilege and right. 
I do not understand all things. I cannot comprehend why God has allowed a population of women to be attracted to other women, and men to be attracted to other men. I do know that He loves His children, and has a plan. 
If anything, the reading for this week has helped me to have a greater compassion and perspective for those dealing personally with this situation. It is very complex, and difficult to guide. I understand in greater detail why the supreme court has had a tough experience knowing what to do. 
I have also reflected on what President Nelson said in his talk: "Male and female are created for what they can do and become, together. It takes a man and a woman to bring a child into the world. Mothers and fathers are not interchangeable. Men and women are distinct and complementary. Children deserve a chance to grow up with both a mom and a dad." 
Men and women were created by divine design, to fulfill their separate roles. I am grateful to have a mother, and I am also grateful to have a father. Each has been instrumental in my growing up, and I can see why Heavenly Father has made it so that marriage is ordained between a man and a woman. 
Ultimately, God loves us, and He will grant peace and understanding to any that ask Him for it. 
QUESTION: Why do you think God allows same-sex attraction to be part of the lives of some of His children? 


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